Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Fiberlgass

fiberglass insulation

Don’t rely on fiberglass for your home’s insulation needs. 

Since the 1930’s, when fiberglass was originally developed, it has been the go-to insulation for people everywhere. In fact, fiberglass is still incredibly popular. After all, it is easy to install and cheap. However, fiberglass has many downsides, and before you take steps to insulate your home with it, you need to know what those downsides are. Our insulation contractor in Houston has come up with the following list of the downsides of insulating your home with fiberglass:

#1. Fiberglass doesn’t provide sufficient coverage.

You can purchase fiberglass batts in widths of 16 or 24 inches, and while this may make it easy to purchase, it makes it difficult to get adequate coverage. In most residential attics, you’ll find a variety of oddly shaped crannies, nooks and other areas that those fiberglass batts simply won’t work for. Additionally, any electrical outlet boxes or other conduits that exist in the attic make it impossible to get full coverage with fiberglass.

#2. Fiberglass often has air leakage issues.

Fiberglass is fluffed up, which makes it easy for air to pass through it. If there are any air leaks in your home, such as structural cracks or gaps around HVAC ducts, light fixtures or electrical conduits, you absolutely must repair them before installing fiberglass. Spray foam insulation is a much better option because it is much denser, which makes it difficult for air to pass through it.

Would you like to learn more about the downsides of fiberglass? If so, stay tuned for our next blog.

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